Our regulations
The following Regulations are formulated in order to ensure the safety of all participants during the hikes as well as the proper functioning of the club.
The speed groups are: (18 - 22 km/h), (23 - 27 km/h), (28 - 32 km/h) and (33 km/h and above).
Any person traveling on public roads by bicycle is subject to the Quebec road safety code (S.A.A.Q.).
Any person who pays the annual contribution of 50 $ is a member in good standing of the club and eligible for all privileges.
Any adult or adolescent can become a member of the club.which meets the following conditions :
D12 years old has 15 years inclusive: with consent of a parent and in the presence of the parent.
Of 16 yearsat 17 years old : with the consent of a parent.
Hybrid bikes are accepted in the group (18-22km/h) and the minimum air pressure in the tires is 90 lbs.
Road bikes with curved handlebars are required to ride in the groups (23-27 km/h), (28-32 km/h) and (33 km/h and above).
Wearing a protective helmet is mandatory for all hikes (insurance).
It is forbidden to wear headphones (iPodor other).
It is obligatory to carry your health insurance card.
It is strongly recommended to have a tool kit with spare tube and it is mandatory to have flashing lights on the bike; a white front light and a red rear light.
A new member who has not attended the safety training session must join the speed group (18 - 22 km/h) for their first outing.
The technique used for riding is the “ fwith indienne” and it is obligatory to do relays in all the pelotons, And this, to bothkilometers to the maximum. An odometer on the bike is recommended.
It is strongly recommended to be present 30 minutes before departure to check your tire pressure and ensure proper maintenance of your bike., And this, before each ride to avoid unnecessary stops.
Thank you for your understanding and have a good summer of cycling with The hikers.